How to Update AirPods on Android

How to Update AirPods on Android

Learn how to update AirPods firmware on Android smartphones and tablets.

This step-by-step guide covers connecting AirPods to Android, checking firmware versions, and manually updating to the latest firmware.

One of the best wireless earbuds available today is Apple’s AirPods.

With their seamless connectivity, great sound quality, and active noise cancellation on the AirPods Pro models, it’s no wonder AirPods are so popular.

But did you know you can use AirPods with Android devices too?

While the connectivity and features aren’t quite as slick as using AirPods with an iPhone, you can still get excellent performance when paired with an Android smartphone or tablet.

A key part of getting the most out of your AirPods is keeping them up to date with the latest firmware. Firmware updates bring bug fixes, performance improvements, and new features to your AirPods.

But how do you update AirPods firmware when using them with an Android device?

There is no official firmware update process, however, there are unofficial methods you can use to manually update your AirPods to the latest firmware version.

In this guide, I’ll take you through the step-by-step process for updating your AirPods firmware on Android.

By the end of this guide, you’ll know how to make sure your AirPods are running the most up-to-date firmware when used with an Android smartphone or tablet.

How to Check Your AirPods Firmware Version on Android

Before updating your AirPods firmware, you’ll want to check what firmware version they are currently running.

Here’s how to check the AirPods firmware version when paired to an Android device:

Connect Your AirPods to Your Android Device

First, put your AirPods into pairing mode by opening the case near your Android device and pressing the small button on the back of the AirPods case.

On your Android device, go to Bluetooth settings and select your AirPods from the available devices list.

Your AirPods will now connect to your Android device.

Install a FirmwareChecker App

Next, you’ll need to install an app to read your connected AirPods firmware version.

A good option is FirmwareChecker by Kanex.

Open the Google Play Store on your Android device and search for FirmwareChecker.

Download and install the app.

Open the FirmwareChecker app.

You may need to grant permission for it to access your Bluetooth connections.

View Your AirPods Firmware Version

In the FirmwareChecker app, you should see your connected AirPods listed.

Tap on them to view the current firmware versions:

  • Left AirPod firmware version
  • Right AirPod firmware version
  • AirPods case firmware version

Take note of the firmware version numbers.

This will let you check after updating if the new firmware is installed correctly.

That covers how to check your AirPods firmware version when connected to an Android device.

Next, let’s look at downloading the latest AirPods firmware update files.

Downloading the Latest AirPods Firmware Update

Apple doesn’t make AirPods firmware updates easily available.

However, some generous developers extract the firmware files from official iOS updates and make them available to download.

Here are some reliable sources for downloading the latest AirPods firmware updates:

  • Firmware Archive – A GitHub repository containing firmware updates for all AirPods models. Download the IPSW files for your specific AirPods model.
  • AirPodsFW – This website compiles firmware updates for all AirPods. Navigate to your AirPods model and download the latest firmware IPSW file.
  • Applesfera – A Spanish technology website that often posts direct download links to new AirPods firmware updates.

The firmware files come in IPSW format.

This is the same firmware file format used for updating iPhones and iPads.

Make sure you download the correct IPSW firmware file for your specific AirPods model.

The firmware version numbers should be newer than your current firmware for it to install.

Once downloaded, we can move on to updating the AirPods firmware.

This requires connecting them to an Android device.

Connecting Your AirPods to an Android Device

To update your AirPods firmware using an Android device, you’ll first need to connect them so they are paired and listed in your Bluetooth settings.

Here is the process for connecting AirPods to an Android smartphone or tablet:

  1. Enable Bluetooth on your Android device.
  2. Open the AirPods case near your Android device.
  3. Press and hold the small setup button on the back of the AirPods case for a few seconds until the status light flashes white. This puts the AirPods into pairing mode.
  4. On your Android device, open Bluetooth settings and look for your AirPods in the list of available devices. The name will likely show as simply “AirPods”.
  5. Tap on your AirPods to pair them with your Android device.
  6. If prompted, accept any connection requests or allow permissions to pair and connect.
  7. Your AirPods and Android device should now be connected. Wait for any notifications on your Android device to confirm the successful pairing.
  8. Take your AirPods out of the case – they should now be connected and work wirelessly with your Android device for audio playback.

If the pairing process doesn’t work, try resetting your AirPods and retry connecting from your Android device.

Now that your AirPods are wirelessly connected, we can update the firmware using a third-party Android app.

Using a Third-Party App to Update AirPods Firmware

Since there is no official AirPods firmware update process for Android, you’ll need a third-party app to handle the firmware installation.

One of the best options for updating AirPods firmware on Android is AirBattery. Here is how to use AirBattery to update to the latest firmware:

Install AirBattery

First, install the AirBattery app from the Google Play store on your Android device.

Open the app and grant permissions when requested so it can access your Bluetooth.

Connect Your AirPods

Make sure your AirPods are paired and connected to your Android device as covered in the previous section.

In AirBattery, your connected AirPods should be listed.

Tap on them.

Start Firmware Update

In the AirPods details screen in AirBattery, tap on the firmware version.

This opens the firmware update screen.

Tap on “Import File” and select the IPSW firmware file you downloaded earlier for your specific AirPods model.

AirBattery will now verify the firmware file.

Tap on “Update” to begin installing the new firmware on your AirPods.

Monitor Update Progress

You’ll see a progress bar as the firmware update installs.

This usually takes 2-3 minutes per AirPod.

Leave your AirPods in the case near your Android device during the update.

Don’t remove or disconnect them or it could corrupt the firmware installation.

Once complete, AirBattery will show a success message.

The new firmware version numbers should display reflecting the update.

That’s all there is to it! AirBattery provides a straightforward way to wirelessly push new firmware to your AirPods from an Android device.

Troubleshooting Firmware Updates Not Working on Android

Sometimes the AirPods firmware update process may not go smoothly when updating from an Android device.

Here are some troubleshooting tips if you can’t get new firmware to install properly on your AirPods with an Android phone or tablet:

  • Reset Your AirPods – Perform a factory reset of your AirPods and reconnect them to your Android device before trying the firmware update again.
  • Charge AirPods to 100% – Make sure your AirPods and case are fully charged before attempting a firmware update.
  • Disable Battery Saver Mode – Battery saver modes can disrupt the firmware update process. Disable any battery-saving or power-saving modes on your Android device during the update.
  • Toggle Bluetooth – Turn Bluetooth off and on again on your Android device if the AirPods disconnect during the firmware update.
  • Try Another Android Device – If available, attempt the AirPods firmware update process using a different Android phone or tablet.
  • Use Alternate Apps – Try using a different third-party app like AirPods Manager instead of AirBattery to push the firmware update.
  • Update One AirPod at a Time – Update the left and right AirPods firmware separately instead of both together.
  • Contact Developer Support – Seek assistance from the developers of your third-party AirPods firmware app for troubleshooting help.

With some perseverance, you should eventually get your AirPods firmware successfully updated using an Android device and third-party app workarounds.

FAQs on Updating AirPods Firmware on Android

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about getting AirPods firmware updates working on Android smartphones and tablets:

Are AirPods firmware updates available on Android?

There is no official way to update AirPods firmware from an Android device. However, using third-party apps you can manually update the firmware unofficially on Android.

Can I update AirPods firmware using only an Android device?

Yes, you can update your AirPods to the latest firmware version using only an Android mobile device. No iPhone or iOS device is required.

Do I need an iPhone to update my AirPods firmware?

No, you don’t need an iPhone. Third-party Android apps like AirBattery allow you to update AirPods firmware from an Android device without needing an iPhone.

How can I tell if my AirPods firmware updated successfully?

Use the FirmwareChecker app to verify your left, right, and case AirPods all show the new updated firmware version after completing the update on Android.

Why won’t my AirPods firmware update on Android?

Common issues are incorrect IPSW firmware files, low battery charge, Bluetooth problems, or compatibility issues with certain Android devices. Try the troubleshooting tips covered earlier in this guide.

Is it safe to update AirPods firmware on Android?

Using reliable third-party apps like AirBattery, updating AirPods firmware manually on Android is generally safe. However, it does carry a minimal risk of firmware corruption.

Can I revert to an older firmware if I don’t like the update?

Yes, you can downgrade or roll back to an older AirPods firmware version using the manual update method if you encounter issues with the latest firmware.

Will firmware updates still work if I move my AirPods between Android and iOS?

Yes, your AirPods will continue receiving official OTA firmware updates from Apple when used with iOS again in the future. The manual Android update does not impact this.

How often does AirPods firmware get updated?

Apple issues new AirPods firmware updates every few months on average. However, there is no fixed schedule for firmware releases.


Updating your AirPods to the latest firmware is important to get full functionality, battery improvements, and new features.

Thankfully, it is possible to manually update the firmware even when using your AirPods with Android devices.

Using the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can update AirPods firmware on any Android smartphone or tablet.

Just make sure to download the correct IPSW firmware files and use a reliable third-party app like AirBattery.

Following the best practices for pairing your AirPods, monitoring the update progress, and troubleshooting any issues, you can successfully keep your AirPods up-to-date even when not using iOS devices.

So don’t neglect firmware updates just because you use AirPods on Android.

Keeping the firmware updated ensures optimal stability and performance when using your AirPods with any phone, tablet, or computer.


  • Mack Donnelly

    As AndroidHope’s App & Game Reviewer, Mack Donnelly provides readers with an honest look at the latest and most popular apps and mobile games available on the Google Play Store. Calling New York City his home, Mack has reviewed over 500 apps and games in his 5 years with AndroidHope.


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